MONSTRA 2024 Pre-Festival starts tomorrow
Feel the pre-festival fever?
How about a Pre-Festival MONSTRA 2024 to cure that?
We’ve got a one happening in three venues across Lisbon starting tomorrow!
The kick-off happens on February 22 at Casa do Comum in Bairro Alto, at 7pm.
On the 27th (9.30pm), we leap to Shortcutz for another dose of animation.
On the 29th (7.30pm), it’s Cinemateca‘s turn with a one-hour session of MONSTRA-approved shorts.
Three days featuring films from Ireland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, and many more, made between 1964 and 2023, with stories about drag queens, memories or hitchhiking, with experimental and horror (etc) shorts made with various animation techniques.
Ideal events for those who, like us, can’t wait any longer.
MONSTRA says they’re unmissable!
The 23rd Lisbon Animation Festival starts on March 7.