01/12/2016 MONSTRINHA in Lisbon MONSTRINHA submissions for schools are open. In 2017, MONSTRINHA returns one more time with the best animation movies for children. These are... read more
01/12/2016 MONSTRA in Brazil MONSTRA | Lisbon Animation Festival in Brazil, presenting the Portuguese Animation Cinema to Rio de Janeiro - between the 1st and the 13rd of ... read more
01/12/2016 MONSTER NUMBERS MONSTRA is ready to go on Summer holidays and can now sum up the numbers of 2016, which presented the 15th edition of the Festival with a tota... read more
01/12/2016 MONSTRA and MONSTRINHA in Buenos Aires For the 4tH time, MONSTRA Festival returns to Buenos Aires in Argentina. It is with a huge pleasure that we can share with the Buenos Aires a... read more