MONSTRA Festival

Perspectives - Feature 3 - Teca & Tuti: A Night at the Library


9 March | CINEMA CITY ALVADADE | 17:30
Film dubbed in Portuguese and with subtitles in English

Teca & Tuti: A Night at the Library

Country: BRAZIL Year: 2023 Duration: 74 mins.
The tiny clothes moth Teca lives with her family and pet dust mite Tuti in a sewing box. What they love most is to eat paper, but when Teca learns to read, she notices that books cannot be eaten; after all, they keep stories that she loves. Committed to solving a great mystery, Teca and Tuti part towards the library, searching for the most important story of their lives.
Direction: Eduardo Perdido, Tiago M. A. Lima, Diego M. Doimo
Writers: Carolina Ziskind, Diego M. Doimo, Eduardo Perdido e Fernando Miller
Production: Tiago MAL, Diego M. Doimo, Ana Luiza Pereira e Eduardo Perdido
Animation: Eduardo Perdido, Érica Valle e Thomate Larson
Music: Hélio Ziskind e Ivan Rocha
Sound: Ana Luiza Pereira