MONSTRA Festival

Feature Film Competition 5 - Sultana's Dream


15 March | CINEMA SÃO JORGE | 16:45
Original Version and subtitled in Portuguese and English
Country: SPAIN, GERMANY, INDIA Year: 2023 Duration: 83 mins.
Inés, a Spanish artist, lives in India and stumbles upon Sultana's Dream, a science fiction story written by Rokeya Hossain in 1905. It describes Ladyland, a utopia in which women rule the country while men live in seclusion and are responsible for household chores. Fascinated by the story, Inés embarks on a journey across the country to search for the one place where women can live in peace.
Direction: Isabel Herguera
Writers: Isabel Herguera, Gianmacro Serra
Production: Isabel Herguera, Chelo Loureiro, Mariano Baratech, Fabian Driehorst, Iván Miñambres
Animation: Izibene Oñederra Aramendi, Ana María Sabater Araújo, Paula Valiño Rivera, Sergio Pereira del Castillo, María José Alfonso Torrescusa, Francisco Muñoz de Gregorio, María Manero Muro, Troyvasanth Chandrakanth, Rajesh Thakare, Bhusan, Nelson Cabrera Curbelo
Music: Gianmacro Serra
Sound: Sound design: Gianmacro Serra, Simon Bastian | Sound editing & mix: Simon Bastian | Sound supervisor: Volker Zeigermann
Distribution: World sales: Square Eyes